✨New Majic Soaps - ✨Sweetness in a Soap( Different Soaps) ✨Pro$perity/ Sweetest / Cleansing /protection/Blockbuster/ come to me/ good fortune / open road/etc-Use drop down menu-All soaps are here use arrow 👇🏼-
Choose from my list below
please make sure you select the correct soap in drop down / soap selected in drop down menu is what will be sent
please don’t purchase 1- soap then request other soaps in the notes/ your order will not be honored it will be cancelled !!!
All soaps here aren’t available -Only what’s on the menu so use menu dropper to select what’s currently available
Road opener open new path career new home new ventures etc
good fortune / luck, fortune / money / business/ create financial success
jinx remover remove hexes curses and jinxes lingering
come to me bring love happiness friendship sex draw in what you desire from a person of interest or lover
reversing remove and reverse all evil spells cursed and negativity being thrown at you
cleansing clear away negativity
sweetsoap sweeten your mind body and soul
blockbuster remove spiritual build up blockbuster blockades voids blockages mentally physically or emotionally
New soaps listed weekly
soaps are rotated weekly/ it’s best your purchase when that exact soap you want is available.
1 soap request aren’t accepted/No pre orders!!
I will it make 1 soap only especially if it’s been available that week and you decide you want it after it’s SOLD OUT
Purchase it when it’s available
( you will have to wait until that soap is made again / you can purchase a whole loaf if your in need of a larger batch )
Thanks for looking