HOUSE OF PEACE -honey jar Package/ Tranquilty/peace harmony and sweetness all in one place/ 1- tranquility light set in my altar
My house of peace honey jar was created to sweeten the home and peace. Bringing forth tranquility and happiness among all your family members . Creating a house of peace for you all. Silencing the arguing and cutting he animosity in the air.
Candles and oils included with this as well
1-house of peace oil
10 dressed candles and bath
1- jar of honey
1- bath
Light is set in my altar
all other items mailed to you
My YouTube video will show you how to work this jar .
You prayer for peace and happiness should be said as you light the candle.
I will also create the petition.
Please include names , dob and photos of those you want included .
Leave details in notes and send phot to my gmail