Favors oil- 1/2 oz *obtain favors and wishes/ Used in Spells & Rituals  to get Favors from spirits and influence others to side with you /court cases/ Work/ decisions - Majicden

Favors oil- 1/2 oz *obtain favors and wishes/ Used in Spells & Rituals to get Favors from spirits and influence others to side with you /court cases/ Work/ decisions

  • $12.00

Create to gain favors from anyone for any situation you desire. Green candles are best used .

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Quick Results

I received my Favors oil along with other oils I ordered about a week ago. I used the Favors oil in a sweetener jar regarding a work situation. Spirit told me to shake the jar about a hour before I went into work . Work is slow & the company has been moving people around. 5 people were sent home due to lack of work. I got to stay & work not only that I got to work overtime.

Favor oil

This oil is really, really the truth! I ordered this about a year ago and I am still getting the absolute best out of it! Thanks Majicden