St Expedito candle statue ( candle is red ) l 5"- move thing expectedly fast money quick approvals / Money/ cash/ homes/ bills/ blessings / abundance
petitioned to help move thing swiftly, quickly. he can help you to obtain fast results.
in exchange for a wonderful feast if he grant it. st expedito enjoys, fresh red roses, cold glass of water, pound cake, red candle , t =lights and public thank you online very soon soon after granting your petition.
it is said and rumored that if you dont give him his offerings as promised he shall take away all he has given you and sometimes more for the trouble. give him what is promised and no issues shall arise.
expedite legal documents, job interviews, cash flowing in, financial stability and success by asking him to end he procrastination within and he you motivate yourself to a better person.
Expeditus is said to have been a Roman centurion in Armenia who was martyred around April 303 in what is now Turkey, for converting to Christianity. Considered the patron saint of speedy cases, he is commemorated by the Roman Catholic Church on 19 April.
candle statue is red
blessed/ prayed over
no herbs or oil
Thanks for looking