Majic wash - Chinese wash- Purify/cleanse clean and clear away negativity and unwanted energy /Mop and cleanse home / walls /floor /curtains/altar/Add to baths to remove heavy energy and remove unwanted low vibrational energies ✨ 8oz
Use this to cleanse the home and also add to mop water and bath.
Add to baths to remove heavy energy and remove unwanted low vibrational energies ✨
My Majic Wash /Chino wash is created to help cleanse away all that negativity you feel that make the home feel heavy and your energy feel low.
Wash it away and create a new Aura and a new fresh scent of positive energy .clear away that evil and bring in the good.
Light 1- candle In each room your cleansing through , Wiping down ,Spraying carpet and or curtains and bed . It can be added into your own special mix with 3 capfulls of majic wash
sage can be done before or after along with taking a cleansing bath to finalize your home cleansing ritual .
You will receive a 8oz plastic bottle
8oz bottle shape and size can differ
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