Blocked oil -Create blockages and negative among our target: Remove and block all Avenues of good among your enemies
My Blocked oil was created to keep out and away all the negative energies and forces constantly trying to break you, tear you down and demolish you spiritual power and energy. Blocked oil can be used to block your enemies, and block others among you that have been causing dangers in you life.
messing with you at work, biting your family, Interfering your relationship.
work with my blocked oil and black candle to stop them for once and oil.
Saturday and Tuesday’s night during the waning moon work them with 3 candles each day. Praying for all they do to be stopped, blocked and barred out your life.
Place the remains into a mini box and place graveyard dirt into it and leave at the cross roads wrapped in a black bag. Keep you back turned and your eyes forward never looking back and the blocks you’ve left behind .
Cleanse once home , light you protection candle and a hyssop candle , wear all white for 3 nights and wash your hand with my hyssop soap for 7 days . Keep your protection bracelet on or add a new one to you left hand .
stay blessed