St alex oil-1/2oz oil- Stop slander gossip and bad talk / protection / guard/ shield your home business and image with his powerful oil
St alex will protect you away from the lies and gossip. Stops slander and rumors being spreads. Best used with a purple candle and place near you door to keep you safe away from the malicious evil tongued enemy. Keep enemy's at bay and keeps away all unwanted guest:
Prayer to St Alex
Oh! Glorious Saint Alex, you that have the power to remove the evil that surrounds the chosen people of the Lord, take my enemies away from me. Take me away from Satan and sin. Withdraw me from the liar and the witch. Take away the ones that want to hurt me. Take me close to the Lord so that I may be covered with His divine grace under the shadow of the Holy Spirit.(concentrate on you desires.) Amen
Prayer to St Alex
Oh! Glorious Saint Alex, you that have the power to remove the evil that surrounds the chosen people of the Lord, take my enemies away from me. Take me away from Satan and sin. Withdraw me from the liar and the witch. Take away the ones that want to hurt me. Take me close to the Lord so that I may be covered with His divine grace under the shadow of the Holy Spirit.(concentrate on you desires.) Amen