All Saints Corner

Posted by Majic Majichan on

Welcome to All Saints Corner , here you can  leave  your prayers , and Thankyou’s to the spiritual world  along with anything you just want to get off your chest spiritually and send forth to the universe .

Thanks for assisting you, pushing forth your prayers and you can leave petitions  here as well to a certain saint who you need some movement from.

Thanks your ancestors as well.

prayers/petitions can be left for any saint , deity or apairyal guide you want to show appreciation to .

offerings can also be purchased at my website to place flowers, wine , tobacco , sweets etc for the spirits on my altar, a donation  ,or  a lit 4”candle for their thanks and granted petitions.


Many blessing to everyone who enters the spirit Corner  

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  • St. Expedite please hear my words I ask that you swiftly aid my spouse Trevor in winning his appeal I will promptly give offerings of pound cake and flowers.

    Michelle J on
  • Thank you, St. Expedite, for helping my mom’s breathing improve overnight. HODIE HODIE HODIE!!! you are wonderful and gracious.

    Farouk on
  • Thank you, St. Expedite, for helping my mom’s breathing improve overnight. HODIE HODIE HODIE!!! you are wonderful and gracious.

    Farouk on
  • What gifts can I give St Expedite if he works me?

    David on
  • St.Joseph, I feel the need to say thank you tonight. I don’t remember exactly what I petitioned for but I do know it was along the lines of arguing in the home. And even in high stress (one of my family members has covid) no one has yelled or raised their voice at one another (yet lol). We are calm despite the worry and I pray everyday. But it’s been about a month since I petitioned you and I would like to say thank you!! I intuitively feel you have helped ❤️

    Rose on

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